
The FAFSA Simplification Act represents a significant overhaul to the process used to award student aid. The 2024-2025 FAFSA is now open to complete, and we encourage you to submit this important form.

请注意,由于教育部的重大处理延误, 本尼迪克特学院要到三月中旬才会收到FAFSA的数据. 这意味着在此之前,我们无法准备官方的经济援助报价. 3月15日开始, 我们预计在收到FAFSA的两周内发出录取通知书, 提供学生所需的所有信息. 请记住,这些延迟不会影响你的学术奖学金, 在你被录取时收到的通知. 谢谢您的理解和耐心.



不,目前FAFSA的处理延迟由美国部门. 不影响你的学业优秀奖学金, 体育奖学金, or any other Benedictine scholarship you have been offered throughout the application process. We are pleased to report that all Benedictine processes are continuing as usual – including Admitted Student Experience weekends, 飙升的周末, 新生入学. Due to the atypical financial aid year, enrollment deposits are refundable through June 1, 2024.


学生资助指数(SAI), 以前称为预期家庭供款, is an eligibility index figure generated from the information provided on the FAFSA that the Office of Financial 援助 uses to determine each student’s eligibility for financial aid programs (e.g.(助学金、奖学金、贷款或勤工俭学). The SAI is calculated by the Department of Education and provided to the institution(s) selected by the applicant. It is not to be interpreted as an amount that the student/family is anticipated to pay out of pocket for the student’s college expenses.


从2024-2025年开始, income information for the FAFSA completion process will be imported directly from the IRS using the Futures Act Direct Data Exchange (FADDX). 这个过程以前被称为IRS数据检索工具(DRT)。. This process can only be completed by the student and parents (contributors) providing consent for the US Department of Education to retrieve the data from the student’s and parents’ (contributors’) submitted 2022 Federal Income Tax Return with the IRS.


Families who feel that something has been unaccounted for in the standard questions of the FAFSA are able to complete Benedictine’s Special Circumstance process via the Office of Financial 援助.


The Special Circumstances process allows a family to request consideration from 本笃会的大学 for unique financial circumstances that are not accounted for on the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA). 有适当的文件, 本笃会的大学 is permitted to evaluate these submissions to determine if the circumstances warrant an adjustment to the Student 援助 Index. Any qualified adjustment to a student’s SAI may result in a change in their eligibility to access federal/state/institutional aid programs.

虽然我们不能保证这一过程会导致财政援助的任何变化, it does ensure that we have fully factored your circumstances to provide the most comprehensive financial aid offering your student is eligible to receive.


  • 由于在大学有多名家属,教育费用过高
  • 私立小学、中学或家庭学校的学费
  • 医疗或牙科费用不在保险范围内
  • 由于不足或失业而引起的收入变化
  • 收入的一次性暂时增加
  • PLUS贷款的付款

It is important to note that students/families must initiate this request for a Special Circumstance process and have a completed FAFSA on file. 一旦启动, you will be asked to complete the FAFSA Verification Worksheet and Special Circumstance Worksheet to provide additional information regarding your request. 开始特殊情况程序, 请给Tona Stone发邮件, 财政援助副主任, at tstone@geaideshuzhi.com.


本笃会的大学 must have a FAFSA on file for each applicable student to begin the Special Circumstances process; however, we would encourage you to collect the proper documentation necessary to support your case so that upon completion of the form you are prepared to submit documentation immediately, 加快流程.


开始特殊情况程序, 请给Tona Stone发邮件, 财政援助副主任, at tstone@geaideshuzhi.com.


特殊情况表格可以在本尼迪克特学院的网站上找到 资助表格.


一旦请求被发起, 学生将在他们的RavenZone中找到所有特殊情况信息. The checklist on the financial aid screen will indicate he or she needs to “Complete Required Documents”. 点击此链接后, the student can upload the Special Circumstance form as well as any supporting documentation via a secure portal within RavenZone. 这些文件将直接发送到财政援助办公室, 谁来通知你丢失或额外的物品.


文件因环境和家庭的不同而有很大差异. 以下是在不同情况下可能需要的文件示例列表. Benedictine may request additional information once the Special Circumstances submission is received by the Financial 援助 Office.


Please provide payment information indicating the monthly payments made during the 2022 calendar year. 包括付款存根或贷方账户活动的副本.


请列出学生名单, 学校, 以及每个在私立小学就读的孩子自掏腰包支付的金额, 二次, 或者2022年在家上学. 包括学校、教区或家庭学校的费用明细. 只考虑学费.


If the family household has more than one student enrolled in college for the 2024-2025 academic year, please list each additional student (NOTincluding the student on the application planning to attend Benedictine) and the institution they are/will be attending. 包括每个学生来自该机构的经济援助录取通知书的逐项副本, 以及一份由学院收取的学费的分项清单. The net difference between the tuition costs and gift aid on the offer letter will be taken into considerations. 学费、住宿费和伙食费不予考虑.


If family household has paid medical or dental expenses “out of pocket” in 2022 not covered by insurance or reimbursement, 列出附表a -分项扣除的金额, 父母2022年联邦所得税申报表的第一行. 包括一份附表a或来自适用医疗保健提供者的逐项声明的副本。. Insurance premiums and Cafeteria 125 plans or prepaid medical accounts do not qualify for this consideration.


如果学生或他们的资助人最近失业, 或者是收入发生了变化, 简要描述一下情况. 提交离职协议复印件, 出资人或学生最近的工资单,显示年初至今的收入, 还有新工作的当前工资单.


If the family household contributes essential financial support to persons unable to be self-sufficient, 包括住在养老院的父母或失业的成年子女, provide a brief explanation of the situation and provide annual costs associated with the situation as well as documentation of such expenses for 2024.


For families having experienced a one-time bump or temporary increase in the family’s 2022 income (capital gains, 奖金, 游戏奖金, 股票期权, 爱尔兰共和军撤军, 等.) that will not be considered renewable, provide a brief explanation as well as documentation (e.g.、工资单、税单等.)与这种收益的数量有关.


Upon confirmation by the Financial 援助 Office that all required/requested documentation has been received, 收到的参赛作品将开始处理. 当时, 财政援助办公室将在60天内审查和处理提交的材料. 在完成对每份提交的审查后, 学生和/或家长投稿者将被通知审查已经完成, 以及由此导致的学生资助计划的任何变化(如果适用).感谢你的耐心.